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Martin Usborne 单身狗的孤独摄影集

发布时间:2020-05-06 00:57:08 栏目:摄影 来源:国外网站 更新时间:2025-03-04 03:12:12 人气浏览:

“单身狗”如果按照网络俚语来说就是“特指没有恋爱对象或者没有结婚的人,与“光棍”近义。”不过我们今天推荐的摄影作品仅仅是摄影师捕捉狗狗在汽车里的“绝望等待的眼神”,其实动物的情绪也反映了人类复杂和伤感的情感描述。这组作品由Martin Usborne创作。

Martin Usborne 单身狗的孤独摄影集


The Silence of Dogs in Cars toys with fear of abandonment, something we all have felt, using dogs to mirror our own wide range of reactions—fear, resignation, anger, aggression, sadness. “What I didn’t expect,” Usborne admits, “was to see so many subtle reactions by the dogs: some sad, some expectant, some angry, some dejected. It was as if upon opening up a box of gray-colored pencils I was surprised to see so many shades inside.”

