来自于美国的艺术家摩根·戴维森(Morgan Davidson)虽然年轻,但是绘画功底一点都不差,他擅长于使用彩色铅笔来创作人物肖像、动物、植物,其画质可以与拍摄的照片相媲美。
[Morgan Davidson instagram]
Artist Morgan Davidson has the ability to create nature and fashion-inspired works of art that feature an incredible use of color and detail. "Nature had a very strong influence in my upbringing. I grew up very close to nature and have always had a ton of pets; my work definitely reflects a lot of those influences," Davidson told Modern Art Talk. "My interest in fashion came later on. I’ve never been involved in the high-fashion brand-name culture, but I started to really admire the dynamic out of the box style fashion illustrations had."
Each of Davidson's drawings are full of vibrant, saturated colors that jump off the page. Whether she is drawing a portrait or an original idea, the gifted artist is able to create rich designs that are full of opulent and intricate details. As she is working, Davidson is a keen perfectionist who adjusts her illustrations as she goes along. This meticulous process is what allows her work to not only be realistic, but to also be both radiant and dreamy in its execution.
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