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发布时间:2020-11-04 23:35:27 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 13:07:11 人气浏览:



- I think that I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and BITES YOU ON THE ASS! ——Jaws

- 我认为你们都不是很了解我们现在面临的险境。

- 我想我还是很了解你总是忽略问题,直到这些事情都发展到一发不可收拾的地步时(游到屁股后面,咬你一口),你才开始处理的尿性的。——《大白鲨》

Mr. Vaughn, what we are dealing with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It's really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks, and that's all.——Jaws


You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do.——Raiders of the Lost Ark


You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T.——E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

你在这里会很快乐的,我会照顾你,不让任何人伤害你,我们可以一起成长,E.T。 ——《E.T.》

E.T. phone home.——E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

E.T 呼叫 母星。——《E.T.》

I'll believe in you all my life, everyday. E.T... I love you.——E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial


- So... your adventures are over.

- Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.——Hook


- 哦,不。生活,活着就是最大的冒险了。——《铁钩船长》

God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.——Jurassic Park


- All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked!

- Yeah, but, John, if The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.——Jurassic Park

- 所有的大型游乐园都会有维护的啊,1956年,迪士尼乐园开张的时候,里面没有任何设施是能运行的。

- 是啊,但是,约翰,如果他们的海盗船坏了,不会有海盗把游客们都吃了的。——《侏罗纪公园》

It's Hebrew, it's from the Talmud. It says, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."——Schindler's List


My father was fond of saying you need three things in life - a good doctor, a forgiving priest, and a clever accountant. The first two, I've never had much use for.——Schindler's List


Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.——Schindler's List


-Hell, these guys deserve to go home as much as I do. They've fought just as hard.

- Is that what I'm supposed to tell your mother when she gets another folded American flag?

- You can tell her that when you found me, I was with the only brothers I had left. And that there was no way I was deserting them. I think she'd understand that.——Saving Private Ryan

- 这些人也有回家的权利啊,他们和我一样奋战沙场。

- 难道这句话,就是你想对等待着你归来却只等到一面美国国旗的母亲所说的话吗?

- 在你找到我后,你可以跟她说,我和我的兄弟们在一起,我不可能会抛弃他们而逃的,我相信她能理解我的。——《拯救大兵瑞恩》

She loves what you do for her, as my customers love what it is I do for them. But she does not love you, David. She cannot love you. You are neither flesh nor blood. You are not a dog a cat or a canary. You were designed and built specific like the rest of us... and you are alone now only because they tired of you... or replaced you with a younger model... or were displeased with something you said or broke.——A.I. Artificial Intelligence


Sometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark.——Minority Report




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