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发布时间:2020-08-12 08:06:13 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 02:40:39 人气浏览:





- I've heard you help people with horse problems.

- Truth is, I help horses with people problems. —— The Horse Whisperer(1998)

- 我听说你能帮人处理关于马的一些问题啊?

- 其实我是在帮马处理一些关于人的问题。——《马语者》(1998)

- I just don't know what I'm supposed to be.

- You'll figure that out. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. —— Lost in Translation(2003)

- 我真的不知道我以后该做什么。

- 你早晚会搞清楚的。你越了解自己,越清楚自己想要什么,就越不会被世事所困扰。——《迷失东京》(2003)

I just feel so alone, even when I'm surrounded by other people. —— Lost in Translation(2003)


- Can you imagine what people would say?

- Well, if we're always guided by other people's thoughts what's the point of having our own? —— A Good Woman(2004)

- 你能想象别人会怎么说你吗?

- 如果我们要被他人的思想所左右,那我们长脑子有什么意义呢?——《良家妇女》(2004)

My dear Tuppy, in this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it. The last is very much the worst. The last is a real tragedy. —— A Good Woman(2004)


Every saint has past, every sinner has a future. —— A Good Woman(2004)


- What's "God"?

- Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it? God's the guy that ignores you. —— The Island(2005)

- 什么是上帝啊?

- 呃,你知道有时候你很想要一样东西,你会闭上眼,然后祈祷自己会得到它吗?上帝就是那个听到了你的祈祷,不理你的人。——《逃出克隆岛》(2005)

Just cause people wanna eat the burger doesn't mean they wanna meet the cow.—— The Island(2005)


- Thanks for doing this.

- That's all right. I'd like to think you'd do the same thing if you were me.——《逃出克隆岛》(2005)

- 谢谢你为我这么做

- 不客气,我想如果你是我,也会为我做一样的事吧。——《逃出克隆岛》(2005)

My desire to be an observer of life was actually keeping me from having one.——The Nanny Diaries(2007)


There's a common belief among anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world in order to truly understand your own.——The Nanny Diaries(2007)


Why not? Life is short. Life is dull. Life is full of pain. And this is a chance for something special.——Vicky Cristina Barcelona(2008)


Maria Elena used to say that only unfulfilled love can be romantic.——Vicky Cristina Barcelona(2008)


And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future.——He's Just Not That Into You(2009)


- So trust me when I say if a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit. No exceptions.

- You're my exception.——He's Just Not That Into You(2009)

- 相信我,如果一个男的好像满不在意地对待你,那就说明他确实不在乎你,没有例外。

- 你就是我的例外啊。——《自作多情》(2009)

The past is just a story we tell ourselves. ——Her(2013)


We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy.——Her(2013)


I feel like I can be anything with you.——Her(2013)


We're so driven by power and profit.——Lucy (2014)


I'm human. I'm flawed. But I embrace change... and enhancement. ——Ghost in the Shell(2017)



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