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发布时间:2022-01-09 13:31:05 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 22:22:09 人气浏览:




  (4) Israel


  Israel has been in the midst of controversy since its’ inception in 1948. And it has been so because of the crimes committed against the people of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs. After the World War 2 a new state was carved out for Jewish European immigrants The original inhabitants of the land were forced to become refugees in their own land. Thus began the ongoing conflict between the imported peoples of Israel and the local indigenous Palestinian peoples. Today we clearly see the clash of what many believe is their Euro-superior tribe over the so-called ignorant uncultured local peoples. Israel continues to struggle with treating its’ non-Jewish citizens and occupied peoples as pariahs.


  (5) United States of America


  The land of the free and the land of the brave also happens to be the land of some of the most racist people in the world. Although the picture some see of USA is through a rose-tinted glass and it all seems flowers and butterflies the actual case is quite different.


  In the Deep South and Mid-West regions like Arizona Missouri Mississippi etc racism is an everyday thing. Be it against Asians Africans South Americans or even the actual people of USA – the Native Americans. Cases of hate and hate due to color of skin are ever-increasing.


  And with the rise of race baiting self-described superior genes smarter than everyone else Josef Mengele-esque superior race national politician Donald Trump and his millions of followers who openly belong to racist organizations ie… Klu Klux Klan the covers have been lifted of he USA where racism is proudly displayed out in the open and broadcast across the international airwaves for all to see.



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