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可口可乐推出的500种新饮料 你尝试过哪种?

发布时间:2020-12-28 11:07:35 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 11:54:36 人气浏览:

  When Coca-Cola Co. directed its global subsidiaries to launch more local flavors last year, the company’s Indian arm came up with a unique drink: chunky mango juice. Indians commonly squeeze mangoes to soften them and then bite a hole in the tropical fruit’s tough skin to suck out the pulp, Coke’s Indian drink developers knew. So they concocted a beverage to mimic that experience, called Maaza Chunky.

  去年,当可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co., KO)要求其全球各地的分公司上市更多当地口味的饮料时,该公司在印度的分公司构推出了一种独特的饮料:口感醇厚的芒果汁。印度人通常会挤压芒果使其变软,然后在这种热带水果坚硬的表皮上咬一个洞,吸出果肉。可口可乐的印度饮料开发商知道这个习惯,因此他们调配出一种名为Maaza Chunky的饮料模拟这一过程。

可口可乐推出的500种新饮料 你尝试过哪种?

  开发一种仅投放印度市场的产品,这对三年前的饮料巨头可口可乐来说是不会轻易尝试的,但这凸显出可口可乐首席执行长James Quincey为推动该公司摆脱其谨慎的企业文化、向新的类别扩展并加快产品上市时间所做的努力。

  “There are products out there in the world that perhaps we wouldn’t have tried a few years ago,” Mr. Quincey said in an interview.


  Before Mr. Quincey was named CEO in May 2017, investors and analysts had criticized the Atlanta-based company for focusing too long on sugary soft drinks, even as consumers switched to healthier options and the company’s global beverage volumes stalled.


  Since then, Coke has pushed harder to diversify, launching more than 500 new products and variants last year, a record for the company and an increase of roughly 25% over the previous year. Recent launches include a cucumber-flavored Sprite in Russia, a line of whey shakes in Brazil, a sesame-and-walnut drink in China and a salty lemon tonic water in France and Belgium. Coke says its expanding portfolio is helping to drive its recent growth in volumes.


  “We’re not betting the ranch on every idea until it’s proven to have some traction,” Mr. Quincey said. “I think we see more innovation in the marketplace...but just as importantly, a focus on removing the things that don’t work.”



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