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美国宇航局NASA推出太空自拍APP 终于圆了我的宇航梦!

发布时间:2021-12-09 19:19:08 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 08:45:12 人气浏览:


Let's face it. Most of us are never going to go to space. And none of us are going to visit the Orion Nebula. But we can dream - and now thanks to NASA, we can selfie our way into some of the most spectacular scenery in the Milky Way.


美国宇航局NASA推出太空自拍APP 终于圆了我的宇航梦!

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA has released a delightful NASA Selfies app for iOS and Android phones.


It's very simple. You snap a pic of your face (or someone else's face) centred in the frame, using the front or rear camera, and it's inserted into the helmet of an astronaut suit.


You can then choose a background of some of the many space wonders imaged by Spitzer over the last 15 years, and save it to your phone.


You can't upload previous photos from your photo gallery, and there's no share button, so you'll have to share your photos to the #NASASelfie hashtag the good old-fashioned way - by going to your camera roll and sharing from there.


Also, just a heads up, it only orients correctly in landscape, so if you take a photo holding your phone in portrait orientation, you're going to end up looking like a severed head floating in a spacesuit.

另外,再提醒一句,你的头像照片只有在风光模式下拍摄才能准确嵌入航天服,所以如果你是在人像模式下拍摄,你的头像可能会“浮”在航天服上。现在就可以免费下载应用NASA Selfies,成为一名“宇航员”。


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