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发布时间:2022-04-26 03:47:30 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 07:28:54 人气浏览:

  今天小编向大家推荐的书是《生命最后的读书会》,作者是威尔·施瓦尔贝,他是一位美国作家、企业家、记者。施瓦尔贝曾是出版公司Hyperion Books的总编辑,后来创办了自己的食谱网站Cookstr。2014年,施瓦尔贝担任执行副总裁的麦克米伦出版公司将Cookstr买下。



  “The greatest gift you can give anyone is your undivided attention.”


  “That's one of the amazing things great books like this do-they don't just get you to see the world differently,they get you to look at people,the people all around you,differently.”


  “The world is complicated,’she added.‘You don’t have to have one emotion at a time.”


  “If I'd waited until I was well rested to read,I never would have read anything.”


  “Evil almost always starts with small cruelties.”


  “I was learning that when you're with someone who is dying,you may need to celebrate the past,live the present,and mourn the future all at the same time.”


  "She never wavered in her conviction that books are the most powerful tool in the human arsenal,that reading all kinds of books,in whatever format you choose-electronic(even though that wasn't for her)or printed,or audio-is the grandest entertainment,and also is how you take part in human conversation."


  “I'm talking about those novels where the characters aren't really interesting and you don't care about them or anything they care about.It's those books I won't read anymore.There's too much else to read--books about people and things that matter,books about life and death.”


  “It's not hard to read about death abstractly.I do find it tough when a character I love dies,of course.You can truly miss characters.Not like you miss people,but you can still miss them.”



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