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发布时间:2019-12-24 22:52:48 来源:国外网站推荐 更新时间:2025-03-04 21:15:18 人气浏览:


I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic. I just open my eyes every morning to embrace a brand new day, living on my own.


The loneliness suddenly comes into my mind. It is my vicious circle, indulging in memory in the last second, but then falling into anxiety in a flash.


Everyone has unknown sides, from which people protect them being found. They only bury the most painful memories into the lost time.



People constantly walked by, but no one cast a look at me. They looked like a pencil drawing, going to fly away in the breeze. This seemingly ordinary paper scratched my skin unconsciously.

季节啊,天气啊,那些无关紧要的事情总是在变。 我觉得自己没有爸爸,很可怜,一度想当不良少女,可不知道怎么当,只好放弃了。 不管别人怎么说,我都要不为所动,做我自己。

Season, weather and other inessential things are changing all the time. I once wanted to be a bad girl since I felt miserable without father being around. But finally I gave up this idea as I didn’t know how to become a bad one. No matter what people say, I will not change, I am myself.


As for my dream, unforgettable love, and other beautiful things, even though I can hardly draw a picture about them, I still have some small expectations.


We always try to squeeze into the outside world at all costs. But only to find that we all made a wrong decision. What you need to do is to take a long time to accept yourselves as you are and then fall in love with him.


Will I be like her when I am old? She is 70 but still fond of make-up, living in a small house of her own and buying chocolate on Valentine's Day. Can I live a life like this?


I used to believe that only if I give all the love I have to him and pray for him every day, he would definitely feel my heart some day. But the truth is not.


I continually know new people and be known. But it is you that can bring good weather to yourself.


He said nothing, but his facial expression and the sense of distance proved that it is over.


There is no complicated stories but peaceful life. All the people have a wonderful life, but me, only me, seeing them leaving one by one. Loneliness and freedom seem to be meaningless, since there must be someone waiting for you. But we have paid much cost in order to follow our heart.


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